Saturday, January 9, 2010

APoD! Week 1 Update

Well, week one of Apocalypse Paint or Die has passed me by, but not without progress. I spent most of this week working extra hours, so I was cut down on my painting time, but that can't be helped.

I got my Land Raider Crusader painted to just past base colours, not including the hull itself. That is completed. I use a simple scheme for my vehicles: Mordian Blue, drybrush of Shadow Grey, another drybrush of 50/50 shadow grey Space Wolves grey mix, and then straight Space Wolves Grey.

I also had to take the time to "re-blue" some of the other vehicles, and they are old models that were poorly painted by myself when I was first joining the hobby.

The amount of time it has taken for me to do these simple tasks can be attributed mostly to work and the fact that I like to load my miniatures with loads of extra details. In the pictures that follow, you'll see what I mean.

For this next week (though I start back at school soon, so that might slow things down further), I plan on focusing on the other vehicles in the force: the other Land Raider, the Rhino and the Dreadnought. I had planned on having them all done this week, but what can you do?

Paint Goal Reached: Negative.
Action Plan: Keep pounding ahead!

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