Friday, April 30, 2010


Well, I'm done school. As in, completely done. Graduation is on June 17. That being the case, I'll now have significantly more time to do the hobby related things I want to do.

Apocalypse Paint or Die! Is passing us by, and most of us have slowed our progress down significantly. None of have quit, but we've slowed down. I, for one, plan on not failing, and will enforce the rules if someone doesn't finish, myself included.

To that end, I thought I should post my methods for painting each piece on my miniatures so that I would have central place to look, should I forget, or someone is curious. I paint things slightly differently depending on if its a normal trooper or a special character. I'll list "Normals" first, then any differences for "Special Characters".

Normal Troops


Base: Mordian Blue Foundation, washed with blue
2nd Layer: Ultramarines Blue
1st Highlight: 50/50 Ultramarines Blue/Space Wolves Gray, wash with asurmen blue wash
Points highlighted with white.

Anything Red:
Base: Mechrite Red Foundation
Layer on Blood Red
Highlight with Blazing orange, wash with Baal Red
re-highlight with blazing orange

Anything Metal:
Wash with black wash
(sometimes) re-boltgun on raised surfaces
highlight with Mithril Silver

Anything White:
Astronomicon Gray
Skull White

Anything Gold:
Dwarf Bronze
wash with brown
shining gold
(sometime the steps above may be reversed)
highlight with 50/50 mix shing gold/mithril silver

Parchment, Etc
Base with Dheneb Stone
Bleached Bone
50/50 Bleached Bone/Skull White
Skull White

I have some other things to get done right now, so I'll update later with my methods for painting special characters.