Monday, December 21, 2009

Paint or Die! Apocalypse Edition!

My friend has proposed that we start a painting competition to paint 3000 points of WH40k stuff in six months. This is my proposed list:

Marneus Calgar and Honour Guard
- Chapter Champion, 3 Honour Guard, 1 with Chapter Banner: 425

Chaplain Ortan Cassius: 125

Tactical Squad 1
10 Man, Missile Launcher, Flamer, Sgt with power weapon: 185

Tactical Squad 2
10 man, missile launcher, meltagun, sgt. with power fist, Rhino: 235

Venerable Dreadnought Chronos
Twin-linked lascannon, missile launcher, extra armour: 220

Dreadnought Magus
Extra Armour: 120

Sternguard Veterans
10 man, meltagun, 2 combi-meltas, sgt. with power fist: 290

Land Raider: 250

Land Raider Crusader
Multi-Melta: 260

Twin Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Storm Bolter, Extra Armour: 190

Terminator Squad
5 man, cyclone missile launcher, sgt, with power weapon: 230

Assault Squad
2 Flamers, Sgt. with Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs: 245

Devastator Squad
10 man, 4 missile launchers: 230

Total Points: 3005

I'm pretty much just going with what I have built, with minimal effort put into additions and fix ups. I have a force picture available on the other computer, so when I get around to that one, I'll put it up.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Retro Games

This past weekend, I was cruising, my go-to gaming site, when I came across their article about "The 100 Greatest NES Games" I sat and read through the entire article, about a two hour read. Throughout the article, I noticed a recurring theme: games were really hard, and many of them featured co-op mutli player (games like Ikari Warriors and Contra being notable mentions).This got me to thinking: are games these days as good as they were in the old days? Now before you start spouting off about graphics and particle effects, bump-mapping and the likes, I'm not speaking about them from a technical standpoint. I'm mean, more specifically, are games as fun as they used to be?

The focus today, it seems (as I type this, my girlfriend is playing Fallout 3, her current obsession) is on superior graphics and flashiness. I know that a lot of games do have some high "fun factors" and great stories, Fallout 3 being a prime example, but I notice that there's a lot of trash out there, too. Bethesda software's recent game, Wet, for example was, well... not good(Fallout, on the other hand, Bethesda's game from last year, is amazing in most aspects). I played the demo, and it felt stiff, repetitive and very under-produced.
I understand that this is a minority, but I can't help that feel that games were... better back then.

Look at an under-rated game of years past: Bionic Commando. In an era where the focus of most games was running and jumping, Capcom dared to remove the ability from the protagonist. You had to rely on his Bionic swinging arm to get around. Admittedly, at first, it is a little difficult. After fifteen minutes or so, I was swinging around levels like Spiderman with a gun. Another example is Battletoads. Battletoads has got to be one of the hardest games in the history of games. I've been playing that game since about 1991 (when there was a craze for anthropomorphic animals kicking ass) when it was released, and to this day I'm lucky if I can get past the third level without getting game over (seriously, check this game out. Its fun AND hard as hell). I actually remember an interview I read in a magazine some fifteen years ago where the producers admitted to making the game as devious as possible. You don't get games like that now. I recently saw an ad for a game called Badlands, and open ended first person shooter/adventure game for the Xbox360. A tagline in the article stated, "You are not hardcore enough for this game". I had to laugh a little bit, thinking back on games like Battletoads and Kid Icarus. Back then, you were either luck or insanely skilled to get to end of a game like that (keep in mind this was before emulators and save states and not including using games genie - no cheating!).

I once spent an entire summer playing StarTropics (the summer of 2001, actually. I was dirt poor) on my black and white TV. My buddy across the road had just got his PS2 and kept inviting me over to play. I would often decline, as I was too busy trying to beat a level near the end of the game.

See, this is my point. The old games of the NES sucked you in. Not because of their stellar graphics, but because of their focus on adventuring and fun.

I may have been young in the prime days of the NES, as it died out in 1994, and I was only eight then, but my earliest memory is basically that of an NES controller pad in my hand, playing Super Mario Bros. I remember the days before the net, when if you knew a secret in a game, you could impress your friends.

Overall, I just feels that games were more pure back then, more... fun. There's to much of a focus today on bloodshed and body count.

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Today, I did the 1.5mi run for midterm. Didn't do great. 11:34. But, not too bad, considering I haven't been able to run for nearly a month. As of now, though, back in the gym as often as possible, with a focus on cardio, if I can keep my mind trained on it. I also did my pushup training. It was as follows:
Monday: Start with a maximum set. Rest 110 seconds. Next set should be 90% of the max, with 100 seconds rest. Next set should be 80% of the max with 90 seconds rest. Every set deduct 10% and 10 seconds of rest.

Now, with my max being 40, my numbers should have looked like this:

40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4

for a total of 220 pushups.

My actual numbers were:

38 22 22 18 14 16 16 12 8 4

for a total of 170 pushups.

This was tough, and I'm not entirely happy with my results; 50 off. I'll just have to look at it as an incentive to try harder. Will update tomorrow with further exercise.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

An update

I know I'm pretty sporadic at this whole blogging thing, so I thought it was about time I made an update. My fitness as of late, though I'm attending class three days a week, has been on the decline, but only slightly. This is because I sustained a pretty significant injury to my calf the week before last. Not sure what I did, but for nearly two weeks, I could barely walk. A talk with the doctor told me that I had bruised the Gastrocnemius, my whole calf muscle. So, sweet. I'm on the mend now. It doesn't hurt to walk any longer, but running is still out of the question. I tried a lap around the school gym the other day and paid the price. Once I'm back to 100%, however, I plan to push forward with my cardio, and give weight lifting a bit of a back seat. As important as weight lifting is, for my (future) career, cardio is more so.

On another note, I got a game (well, half a game anyway) of 40k on Sunday night. Tim and I played a 3000 point Planetstrike game. I have to say that Planetstrike is a riot. Here's the email that Tim sent out regarding the game:

Planetstrike mission against Ray's Ultramarines last night.
He was attacker, with a list like:
Librarian10 Sternguard - 2 meltagun, power fist, flamer, in drop pod with deathwind missilesLibrarian10 Tactical marines - rocket, flamer, fistLand Raider - multi-melta5 Terminators - cyclone missiles, in Land Raider CrusaderPredator destructorVenerable Dreadnought - twin-link lascannon, missile launcherVenerable Dreadnought - multi-meltaDreadnought - twin-link lascannon, missile launcherDreadnought - assault cannon10 Tactical marines - rocket, meltagun, fist10 Assault marines - power weapon, plasma pistol, 2 flamers10 Tactical marines - power fist, RazorbackLandspeeder - multi-melta, heavy flamerLandspeeder - multi-melta, heavy flamer

My force:
Librarian - terminator armour, storm bolterMaster of the Forge - thunderhammer10 Tactical marines - plasma cannon, meltagun, power fist, rhino with storm bolter10 Tactical marines - plasma cannon, meltagun, power fist, rhino with storm bolter10 Tactical marines - lascannon, meltagun, power fist, rhino with storm bolter10 Tactical marines - lascannon, flamer, power weapon, rhio with storm bolter10 Tactical marines - rocket, flamer, power fist, rhino with storm bolter10 Tactical marines - rocket, flamer, rhino with storm bolter and dozer blade7 Sternguard - 5 combi-meltaDreadnought - twin-link lascannon, missile launcherDreadnought - multi-meltaDreadnought - multi-meltaTechmarine - thunderhammer4 Servitors - 2 Heavy bolterVindicator - dozer bladeVindicator - Storm shield10 Devastators - 2 rocket launcher, 2 plasma cannon
As defender I set up the board and deploy first.
Built the board as a kind of ship thing. 2 Bastions and an intact bunker as the objectives. I deployed the Sternguard in 1 bunker, half of the devs in the other (with the plasma cannons and the sgt). The bunker had the Techmarine, his retinue of Servitors and the Librarian in it. Everything else went around all over.
This report is going to be pretty spotty. My memory of the game is pretty much all over the place.
For strategems, I took laser wire (set up a set of laser lines that cause dangerous terrain tests. Krak attack (deep striking models may land on a pile of krak grenades. And machine spirit (1 bunker can choose what to shoot at, and has BS3).
Ray took crash and burn (drop the wreckage of a vehicle on the table and blow up stuff it hits), plus Darken the skies (night fighting).
The firestorm was rather disappointing for ray. One immoblized dread, and the cannon off a vindicator. His first turn arrivals did a bit of damage. The Master and the Techmarine did a pretty good job of fixing what was broken though. Return fire slowed, but didn't stop the advance. There seemed to be a pretty heavy number of marines dumping onto the battlefield, and with the losses I was suffering (and in most cases facing 5 to 10 odds or worse in each match up), I was not doing very well.
I lost the Devastator's bastion to heavy firepower, and thinking it was a loss, abandoned it. The Devastator squad did not survive much past getting out of the door. Neither side was having much luck with saves, and while it put some pressure on the Ultras, it was really hurting my forces. This was partly due to my deployment strategy, which had me encircle the center buildings with units of 5 marines. Enough to provide lots of overlapping fields of fire, but not really enough to mobilize a good counter-assault.
The Ultra's used their dreads and Assault troops to good effect, cutting through swathes of the DA with little resistance - though a few of my sgt's managed to survive near-impossible odds.
Especially cripping for the Ultra side were their Land Raiders. These were difficult to damage, and it was left pretty much up to the Vindicators to do the maximum damage possible. Of course, in turn they suffered the most of the return fire. Ultimately, the game ended up a win for the DA, 2 to 1 objectives, though we had to call it after 3 turns. Had there been a 4th or 5th turn, it was probably going to go to the Ultras.
While the DA still had a credible defense, there wasn't much standing between the Ultras and the bunker. With that in their posession, it'd be difficult to draw them off of it, and still keep any sort of defense for the other objectives.
The Planetstrike book is interesting, and with the in-battle terrain effects, can be a very changable place. Stuff getting dropped in, or tossed around. Buildings being destroyed and reduced to rubble and ruins. I'll have to play this again. Maybe as the attacker.

Tim and I have another game scheduled tonight at Forbes', a 2000 point Planetstrike game. I'll be the defender this time. I anticipate a loss on my part, but we'll see. I have yet to build a list, however, but I have a pretty good idea of what I'll take. Maybe I'll post the battle report, and even take some pics.

That's all for now.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fitness, September 28, 2009

Well, I somehow managed to significantly damage my leg on either Thursday or Friday. It got progressively worse through the weekend, to the point I could barely limp around, then mostly dissipated last night. Today in gym class, I was supposed to do four 1.5mi runs. I would have loved to, but that was a no. I did two laps around the upper part of the gym as a warmup, and my legsscreamed at me. So, I was sent upstairs to the weight room. I did the following:

Bicep Curls, 35lbs
6, 5, 4

Hammer Curls, 35lbs
12 12 12

Wrist Curls, 30lbs
12 12 12

12 12 12

BW Dips
12 12 12

Overhead Triceps Extension 40lbs
12 12 12

Tricep Pressdown 110lbs
12 12

The tricep presses at 110 were easy, but was running short on time. Did some quick ab stuff in there too. No cardio. I'm hoping I'm healed enough for cardio tomorrow. I also need to do my pushup stuff tonight, though I think i"ll push it to tomorrow, as I didn't read it yesterday, and should have. Its as follows:

Week Four
Monday: Start with one rep rest 5 seconds, than do three reps rest 10 seconds. Keep adding 5 second of rest and two repetitions. Stop at first failure to finish set.
Do this prior to breakfast and prior to dinner.

Didn't do before either meal, so I think I might just do it tomorrow, and have no rest day Sunday.

My suggestions to myself for my next bi/tri workout, is to up the tricep press weight, and the extension weight, maybe up the reps on dips and pullups. Oh, and up the weight on hammer curls, too. Continue work on bicep curls until can do three of 12 at 35lbs.


PB and Honey on Toast, (I can't eat much before fitness class)

Apple Juice Box
Two bagels with cream cheese

A roast I did in the slow cooker with a mix of potatoes and fresh veggies.

Creatine drink directly after workout
Protein Shake and hour later (roughly 1pm)
And just finished another.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I recently purchased both the Planetstrike expansion for 40k, and an Imperial Bastion. I must say, the Bastion was a joy to put together. It is well designed, and was easy to build. No swearing necessary!
The Planetstrike book is cheap at only about $27, with some sweet additions. I've yet to play a Planetstrike game, as my scehdule is difficult to line up with that of my friends'. Next time I play a game though, I'd like to make it a Planetstrike mission, so that I can actually get the feel of these games. With the Planetary Empires expansion not far off (less than two weeks, actually), 40k is now perfectly set up for protracted campaigns, with the normal missions in the rule book, Cities of Death and Planetstrike. I'm going to suggest that my play group sets up a campaign using each of the missions.
... First, we have to complete our SC40k campaign.. if we can ever all get together that is. More on that some other time.

Tournery Thoughts

There's been a lot of shuffling feet with the 1850 tourney that I was supposed to be taking part in. I submitted my list on time and paid my fees before the deadline, but it appears that I have been dropped from the tournament. As you can imagine, I'm a little frutrated. I'm awaiting a response to find out if I can at least get my money back.


Ah well, at least I was able to construct a solid list out of all of this. I'll continue to paint and get games in when I can. I think I'll talk to damien_frosst about setting up our own tournament. Maybe things will be slightly more organised that way. We'll see.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Workout, Sunday July 19, 2009

I didn't have much time today, as I woke up late (1pm late) So, I did the scaled Crossfit Scaled WOD, with some mods, due to my lack of equipment. It was as follows:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:3Puppies:
For time:
20 Box jump, 10-15 inch box
20 Jumping pull-ups (Since I don't have a bar to do pull ups, I subbed with pushups)
20 Kettlebell swings, 12kg
Walking Lunge, 20 steps
20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
20 Push press, 25-30 pounds
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots, 10-16 pound ball (I don't have a ball, So I subbed squats with a shoulder raise when I extend my legs.)
20 Burpees
20 Standard Jump Rope Jumps

Time: 8:49

I forgot how rough Burpees are, and I should have worn my knee brace. Ah well, live and learn.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fitness, July 14,2009

I've got to get into the regular habit of posting on here. I did a bunch of fitness stuff last week and failed to post any of it. Well, lets start with today. I didn't have time for the gym before work, so I did some stuff at home. This is what I did:

3 sets of max rep pushups, 90 seconds rest between
1. 38
2. 24

Bicep Curls @ 60lbs (not including bar)
1. 10
2. 10
3. 9

I had planned on doing some ab stuff, but was stomach was upset from the lunch I had not long before, so I decided against it. I have tomorrow and Thursday off, so I'll be getting up early and running off to the gym. Biceps and Triceps tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fitness, July 1st, 2009

Recently, I've become quite upset with my lack of motivation to work out. I've lost nearly all the progress that I gained through last summer and the school year. I compared some pictures of myself from last September with some recent pictures, and it is obivous that I have lost most of my definition. I've decided to fix that. Today was the first day of my new fitness regimen, that I intend to keep up until school starts again, when I can get back into the gym on a more regular basis.

I started off with a 2.5km jog around the neighbourhood, to get myself readjusted to running. (I plan on upping the distance every other week by a half km)

I followed up with three sets of max pushups, with 90 seconds rest in between, 38, 20, 14.

I then did 3 sets of 20 crunches, and 2 sets of twenty oblique crunches per side.

I'll follow up with more.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fighting Daemons

I meant to write about this last week, but life has a tendency of gettingi n the way.
I played the 1850 point battle against Tim and his Daemons (which includes five monstorous creatures) with my Ultramarines. My list:

Codicier - 100 points
Codicer - 100 points


Tactical Squad 1
Melta, Flamer
Sgt.with powerfist - 195 points

Tactical Squad 2
melta, flamer
sgt with power fist - 195 points

Tactical Squad 3 with razorback
ml, flamer
sgt. with power weapon - 235 points


Sternguard with rhino
sgt. with power fist - 325 points


2 land speeders
2 heavy flamers
2 multi meltas - 140 points


Land Raider Crusader
with multi melta - 260 points

Land Raider - 250 points

Though I couldn't find a third speeder, and reworked some things to include a five-man scout squad with sniper rifles.

The mission was Secure and Control with the Spearhead deployment. I won first turn and used that to consolidate towards the objectives. On Tim's side of Turn One, he got the force he wanted, dropping four monstorous creatures very close to my perimeter, along with two units of plaguebearers, if memory serves. I started the shooting with gusto in turn two, the Null Zone powers of the twin Librarians wreaking havoc on the Daemons invulnerable saves, allowing me to fell one Daemon prince with relatively little shooting, along with some Plaguebearers.

In Turns 4-6, however, it went down-hill. In my zeal, I strayed from my battle plan, and neglected to use the librarians powers. I got penned in (only a 4'x4' table) and eventually lost. I did learn some valuable lessons, though.

1. Don't stray from your battle plan. This is difficult, particularly when there is an apparently soft target. Just go towards the goal.
2. If you're running a mechanized list, stay in your rides, unless completely necessary.
3. Don't forget to do stuff! using Librarians' powers for example.

I look forward to our designated rematch.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Thing

So, I guess I've finally given in to the urge to start my own blog. Nothing special, just a place to put my thoughts and other items that strike my interest. This comes mostly out of the fact that I despise Facebook, though I am aware of the hipocracy of that statement, since I have a Facebook account; but nevermind that.

I'll be using this to post my fitness records and goals, personal thoughts about whatever, and showcase my painting projects for Warhammer 40k, one of my many hobbies.
And with that, I hope whoever reads this enjoys my thoughts and leaves opinions. BLOG AWAY!