Monday, November 14, 2011

A Work in Progress

Just a few words before bed.
I've been keeping up as best I can with the Khador commission, but also painting some of my stuff on the side, so I don't get burnt out from painting either faction. Tonight I painted three more Winter Guard Infantry, including the Standard Bearer, making a total of 10 models ready for the dip. Now I just need a decent day to go outside and play with it. Being the middle of November, I may be hard pressed.

On a side note, I must remember to make sure that all the model are firmly attached to their bases. I've incidents in the past of models breaking in the most terrible way. On top of shattering the model into its component pieces, it tends to make the quick shade settle in a way that makes then final product look haphazard.

Also tonight, I got the base colours and some washes on to my Dawnguard Scyir. I love that model.  His pose just screams, "Come at me, bro!"

I've also been working on Adeptis Rahn v.2.0. He's looking good, if I do say so myself. He was the first model I painted for my Retribution force, and I was still finalizing the colour scheme at that point. I thought that since I'm working towards a fully painted force with a decent colour scheme, I owed it to myself and my favourite Warcaster to give him a repaint. At this point, he only needs some highlights along with a small bit of freehand and a decent base.

Finally, I'm quite excited to have ordered a large amount of custom bases from Dragon Forge. I'm hoping these bases will give my force that little something extra and help them stand out. These are all from the "Forgotten Empires" line:

That's all for now. More when I have it.

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