Sunday, November 27, 2011
I Hate Zelda.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The End
I've played every game in the series in some capacity or another, but the only two I've beat are Twin Snakes on the Gamecube (which, if you don't know, was a remake of the original MGS for Playstation), and Peace Walker on the PSP. I must say, that MGS3 is the best of the series. Of course, I'm only part way through the game and still have the rest of the series to play, but this game is GREAT. With the HD treatment, I'm hardly even aware that I'm playing a game that's almost 8 years old. The voice acting and cut scenes, while sometimes over the top are awesome. The story is fun, and Snake as one of my favourite video game characters of all time.
Today I reached a part of the game where you have to fight one of the main antagonist's soldiers, know only as, "The End." The End is an old man (like, over 100 years old) that only ever sleeps until it's time to fight. Then he's this agile old man that is a peerless sniper. This lead to probably one of the coolest boss battles I have ever fought. Most boss battles are the of the "run,dodge, fire, dodge, repeat" variety, but not this one. This is a game of sniper versus sniper. You must methodically comb a massive area of forest, using all the tools at Snake's disposal (including thermal goggles, a directional microphone, sniper rifle, and motion sensor, to name a few) to attempt to sneak up on the old man and hit him before he hits you. I spent close to an hour on this fight, looking for his heat signature, tracking his foot-prints, and looking for the flash of sunlight of his sniper scope, in a true test of gaming endurance.
I understand that this sort of boss fight is not for everyone. In fact, the guy who made the YouTube video above hates this fight. I, for one, found it to be an awesome departure from the standard boss fight fare of most video games. Hideo Kojima has been pushing gamers for years with the Metal Gear series, and I hope he continues to do so in the future.
Oh, and did you hear that Metal Gear Solid 5 was announced today?
A Work In Progress, Continued
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Painting Mustard
- Over a white basecoat, paint Iyanden Darksun foundation
- Wash with Ogryn Flesh Wash
- Leaving the wash in the recesses, paint with a 2:1 mix of Iyanden Darksun and Bleached Bone
- Leaving the previous layer showing a bit, paint on a 1:1 mix of the same colours
- For highlights, I use a 1:2 mix of the same colours
- For spot/extreme highlights, I use pure Bleached Bone
Anything that's metal:
- Since painting metallics over white is @$$, I paint it with Astronomicon grey to darken it back up.
- I paint a few thin layers of Boltgun Metal
- I wash it fairly heavily with Asurmen Blue Wash
- I then reclaim most of it with more Boltgun Metal
- Another, light wash of Asurmen Blue to smoothen the transition
- Highlight the edges with Mythril Silver
All the Grey Stuff:
- Astronomicon Grey Foundation
-Badab Black Wash
- Astronomicon Grey to reclaim some spots
- Highlight with Codex Grey
The Cloaks/Capes:
- Charadon Granite Foundation
- Devlan mud wash
- Reclaim with Charadon Granite
- Highlight with varying mixes of Charadon Granite and Codex Grey
For spot colours, I tend to use either Hawk Turquoise or Ice Blue. I know purple is the complimentary colour for yellow, but I like blue better.
Monday, November 14, 2011
A Work in Progress
I've been keeping up as best I can with the Khador commission, but also painting some of my stuff on the side, so I don't get burnt out from painting either faction. Tonight I painted three more Winter Guard Infantry, including the Standard Bearer, making a total of 10 models ready for the dip. Now I just need a decent day to go outside and play with it. Being the middle of November, I may be hard pressed.
On a side note, I must remember to make sure that all the model are firmly attached to their bases. I've incidents in the past of models breaking in the most terrible way. On top of shattering the model into its component pieces, it tends to make the quick shade settle in a way that makes then final product look haphazard.
Also tonight, I got the base colours and some washes on to my Dawnguard Scyir. I love that model. His pose just screams, "Come at me, bro!"
Monday, November 7, 2011
For Khador!
Recently, my friend Magus asked me to paint all of his Khador force. This is quite an undertaking, since he owns something in the range of 70 points. I myself own somewhere in the vicinity of 120 points of Retribution of Scyrah, the majority of which is unpainted. I did agree, however. He has promised me payment, and as a show of good faith, bought me a unit of Dawnguard Invictors.
I spent the better part of 6 hours the other night just painting the man's infantry. In that time, I managed to painted two of the four main colours of the scheme on 18 minis. As I'm a pretty slow painter, I think this is going to take a while. That's ok.
Instead of painting everything to my normal standard, (using washes, highlights, etc) I'll be putting only flat colours on each model and then using the Army Painter Quick Shade, Dark Tone. I've used this stuff on a couple Khador models before, and it works great. Really, its only a matter of getting the flat colours on a high voloume of models.
I don't want to burn myself out on painting Khador, however, so I've decided to alternate between painting Magus' stuff and my stuff. The advantage of doing a job for a friend is being able to do it at my leisure. I hope that the other guys at our FLGS take note of the painting and approach me to do the same for them. I figure if I can make some cash of it, I can support my habit, er, hobby by doing my hobby.
I also started doing a repaint of Adeptis Rahn Shyeel, my personal favourite warcaster, now that I've definitely settled on a colour scheme and improved my skills. I'll get some pictures up at some point.
Monday, August 29, 2011
That One Game
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What have you been painting?
It's been a little while since I've done an update, and this is going to be a fairly quick one. I've been busy with work and what-not, but have managed to paint one model to completion, and have done quite a bit on another.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hobby Happenings

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Full Steam(punk) Ahead!

2011, the Year of the Backlog
I'm certain this is nothing new to you if you're life-long video game fanatic like myself, but I've accumulated one hell of a backlog over the years. You know how it is: you get a shiny new game, and you're completely enthralled with it for a while. Nothing else exists. Then a new game comes out, shinier than the last. The first game gets put aside while you play the new one. "Oh, I'll come back to that one after I beat this new game." But, that never happens, because another game comes out. And another. Its a vicious cycle, one that I've been repeating the better part of twenty years now.
No more. I have officially declared that 2011 is "The Year of the Backlog" for me. I actually took the time to go around my house and find all the games over the last 15-20 years that I've never played all the way through, or have played through and think they need another go. Given my obvious lack of focus on any sort of structure in playing games, I've organised the games alphabetically, but I choose three games at random to play. I keep track of my progress here:
Backloggery is a convenient website for me to keep track of my progress.
The three games I'm currently playing through, chosen at random are, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy), The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Game Boy Colour), and Dragon Warrior (NES)
I'm nearly done Link's Awakening, and have just started Dragon Warrior. Having never played any of the Dragon Warrior/Quest series before, I'm surprised at how.... grindy this game is. I've spent more time leveling up and earning gold to get new weapons and armour than I have actually playing the story line. Still fun, though.
Ffor your perusal, my entire backlog. Keep in mind, this includes games from every platform, from NES to Xbox360, and everything in between:
Advance Wars Days of Ruin
Adventure Island 2
Armored Core Last Raven
Battletoads and Double Dragon
Bionic Commando
Blaster Master
Brave Story: A New Traveler
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania 64 (Legacy of Darkness)
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
Castlevania 4
Chibi Robo
Chrono Trigger
Clash at Demonhead
Cobra Triangle
Comix Zone
Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Contra 3: The Alien Wars
(Final Fantasy) Crystal Chronicles
Custom Robo
(Castlevania) Dawn of Sorrow
Dawn of War 2
Demon Sword
Demon’s Crest
Donkey Kong 64
Double Dragon
Double Dragon 4
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior 2
Dragon Warrior 3
Dragon Warrior 4
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim
(Final Fantasy) 8
Fester’s Quest
(Pokemon) Fire Red
(Final Fantasy) Five
Front Mission
Gargoyle’s Quest 2
Ghost’s and Goblins
Guardian Legend
Gunstar Heroes
Gunstar Super Heroes
Ice Climber
Ikari Warriors
Jet Force Gemini
Journey to Silius
Kickle Cubicle
Kid Icarus
Kid Niki
Knights in the Nightmare
(Castlevania) Legacy of Darkness
Legend of the Ghost Lion
Legend of Zelda
Link’s Awakening
Link to the Past
Little Big Planet
Little Nemo
Little Samson
Lode Runner
Lost Vikings
Magical Quest w/ Mickey Mouse
(Legend of Zelda) Majora’s Mask
Maniac Mansion
Mario Golf 64
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Mario Kart Wii
(Legend of Zelda) Master Quest
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Mega Man X Collection
Metal Gear
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (Don’t save Meryl)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Metal Storm
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3
(Super) Metroid
Metroid Fusion
Micro Machines
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out
(Legend of Zelda) Minish Cap
Mother (Earthbound Zero)
Mother 3
Need for Speed Most Wanted
(Final Fantasy) 9
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Ninja Gaiden 3
Nyx Quest
Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle 64
(Legend of Zelda) Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Ages (Legend of Zelda)
Oracle of Seasons (Legend of Zelda)
Patapon 2
Perfect Dark (360)
Power Blade
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones
Rad Racer
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters
R.C. Pro-Am
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Ring King
River City Ransom
Rune Factory Frontier
Rush n’ Attack
(Pokemon) Sapphire
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Section Z
Seikun Densetsu
(Final Fantasy) 7
Shadow Run
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Sin & Punishment
Skate or Die 2
Snake Rattle n’ Roll
Socom Firestorm Bravo 3
Sonic Mega Collection
Spy Hunter
Star Fox Assault
Star Ocean
Star Tropics
Street Fighter 2010 The Final Fight
Super C
Super Mario 64 DS
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Super Smash Bros
Sword of Mana
(Castlevania) Symphony of the Night
(Final Fantasy) Tactics A2
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Symphonia
(Final Fantasy IV) The After Years
The World Ends With You
(Legend of Zelda) Twilight Princess
(Final Fantasy) Two
Vectorman 2
Vice: Project Doom
Viewtiful Joe
(Legend of Zelda) Wind Waker
(Dawn of War) Winter Assault
Wizards and Warriors
Yggdra Union
Yoshi’s Island
Zoda’s Revenge: Startropics 2
Zombies Ate My Neighbours
Zombie Nation
All in all, I think that's somewhere around 208 games that I've scheduled myself to play through this year. That's without including any of the other games I'm sure I'll buy. I'll be done somewhere in 2014, I think.
... Not to mention that life has that funny habit of getting in the way. Work, and other hobbies.
Does anyone else out there have a comparable list? Let me know, I'd like to compare.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Moar Paintenz!
First up, I painted Sorscha to completion before I left for Ottawa. I'm happy with everything except her face. I attempted to line her lips with red to show some make-up. Well, it's not great. It kinda looks like someone set the make-up gun on "whore" before leaving the house to crush Cygnarans. Forgive the quality of picture. That was taken at 5am before I got on the bus to the capital.
Last night I sat for an hour and a bit and painted up the Arcanist for the Retribution. Hey, I can't put all the love in the box sets and ignore my angry Elves, right? He's not done yet, but so far I'm quite eased with how he looks. At this point, it's just highlight and details left. Maybe an hour a most.
I plan on painting up the Juggernaut next, followed by my RoS Magister. I'm trying to paint up the box sets and get a 25 Retribution list finished in the next two weeks. We'll see how that goes. More when I have it.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Seriously, 8 Months?!