Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Damien_Frosst's Progress

Its the beginning of the third week of APoD, and all involved are making at least some progress. We've heard nothing out of Magus, but I have recently discovered his lack of progress equated to a lack of black paint, a main component of his colour scheme. I have since helped him remedy that situation. Currently, Damien_Frosst is leading the pack, with 23 of 73 models painted. Remember, that our stipulation are only that they are table-worthy, so three colours minmum, bases done, etc. Damien_Frosst is satisfied with how he's coming along, and I don't blame him. I, however know that I will go back over some of my models and add highlights and shading when I have more time. Below is Damien's progress, and written by himself:

It's the start of the third full week for APoD, so here's the stats:

Models done: 23 of 71+2Points done: 595 of 3000

Current Model: Honoured Brother Vigil (the Dread with twin-las and missiles)
I'm happy with how things have been progressing, even if they've slowed some since the first weeks. I've got classes now, so I expect them to go slower, but I'll try to keep up a good pace. I've attached pics of the current stuff, the full force, and a pic of the unit before I got painting.
And the full stats here:

Master of the Forge - bike, conversion beamer, power weapon: unbuilt

Land Speeder - typhoon missiles: built
Land Raider Redeemer - multi-melta: built
Ironclad Dreadnought - chain fist, heavy flamer, assault launchers: built
Dreadnought - twin-linked lascannon, missile launcher: built
5 Scout Marines - 5 sniper rifles, camo cloaks: built
5 Sternguard - 5 combi-melta: built

Captain - relic blade, digital weapons, hellfire bolts, bolter: primed
Techmarine - thunderhammer: primed1 servitors: primed
Squad 3 Rhino - storm bolter: primedVindicator - siege shield: primed
Predator - twin-linked lascannon turret, heavy bolter sponsons: primed
Sternguard Rhino - storm bolter: primed

Squad 3 - power fist+plasma pistol, flamer, missile launcher: 9 green, 1 primed
10 Devastator Marines - 4 missile launcher: 6 green, 4 primed

5 Assault Terminators - 3 Thunderhammer and Storm Shield: 4 of 5 done (160 points to make up)

Vindicator - siege shield: done (125 points to make up)
Land Speeder - typhoon missiles: done
Squad 1 - power fist, meltagun, lascannon: done
Squad 1 Rhino - storm bolter: doneSquad 2 - power fist, meltagun, plasma cannon: done
Squad 2 Rhino - storm bolter: done

125+160=285 points -> Land Raider Crusader (Partially done) + Heavy Bolter Servitor (primed)

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