Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Progress, End Week 2

My progress this week has been terrible at best. I managed to get final highlights on all the vehicles(the second land raider,rhino, predator and dreadnought). I also managed to get some details picked out on the land raider, like skulls, etc. Apart from that, my progress has been limited. I'm unhappy with this, but hey, what can I do? That's right! Work harder! Now that I'm more or less adjusted to my school and work schedule(though I missed my first class this morning. I thought I had a 9am class; it was 8am.), I should be able to ramp up the progress. The goal is to finish the vehicles this week, at least. Heck, its practically just painting Boltgun and black anyway. I'll try to get a video and some pictures up sometime tonight. To keep up with Damien's format of listing progress, here's mine:

Marneus Calgar

Chaplain Ortan Cassius: 125
Honour Guard- Chapter Champion, 3 Honour Guard, 1 with Chapter Banner: 425

Tactical Squad 110 Man, Missile Launcher, Flamer, Sgt with power weapon: 185
Sternguard Veterans10 man, meltagun, 2 combi-meltas, sgt. with power fist: 290
Tactical Squad 210 man, missile launcher, meltagun, sgt. with power fist, Rhino: 235
Terminator Squad5 man, cyclone missile launcher, sgt, with power weapon: 230

Dreadnought MagusExtra Armour: 120
Land Raider: 250
Predator Twin Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Storm Bolter, Extra Armour: 190
Assault Squad2 Flamers, Sgt. with Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs: 245
Devastator Squad10 man, 4 missile launchers: 230

Venerable Dreadnought Chronos***REPLACED WITH SCOUT SQUAD***
Land Raider CrusaderMulti-Melta: 260

MODELS DONE: 6 of 73
POINTS DONE: 500-something

Damien_Frosst's Progress

Its the beginning of the third week of APoD, and all involved are making at least some progress. We've heard nothing out of Magus, but I have recently discovered his lack of progress equated to a lack of black paint, a main component of his colour scheme. I have since helped him remedy that situation. Currently, Damien_Frosst is leading the pack, with 23 of 73 models painted. Remember, that our stipulation are only that they are table-worthy, so three colours minmum, bases done, etc. Damien_Frosst is satisfied with how he's coming along, and I don't blame him. I, however know that I will go back over some of my models and add highlights and shading when I have more time. Below is Damien's progress, and written by himself:

It's the start of the third full week for APoD, so here's the stats:

Models done: 23 of 71+2Points done: 595 of 3000

Current Model: Honoured Brother Vigil (the Dread with twin-las and missiles)
I'm happy with how things have been progressing, even if they've slowed some since the first weeks. I've got classes now, so I expect them to go slower, but I'll try to keep up a good pace. I've attached pics of the current stuff, the full force, and a pic of the unit before I got painting.
And the full stats here:

Master of the Forge - bike, conversion beamer, power weapon: unbuilt

Land Speeder - typhoon missiles: built
Land Raider Redeemer - multi-melta: built
Ironclad Dreadnought - chain fist, heavy flamer, assault launchers: built
Dreadnought - twin-linked lascannon, missile launcher: built
5 Scout Marines - 5 sniper rifles, camo cloaks: built
5 Sternguard - 5 combi-melta: built

Captain - relic blade, digital weapons, hellfire bolts, bolter: primed
Techmarine - thunderhammer: primed1 servitors: primed
Squad 3 Rhino - storm bolter: primedVindicator - siege shield: primed
Predator - twin-linked lascannon turret, heavy bolter sponsons: primed
Sternguard Rhino - storm bolter: primed

Squad 3 - power fist+plasma pistol, flamer, missile launcher: 9 green, 1 primed
10 Devastator Marines - 4 missile launcher: 6 green, 4 primed

5 Assault Terminators - 3 Thunderhammer and Storm Shield: 4 of 5 done (160 points to make up)

Vindicator - siege shield: done (125 points to make up)
Land Speeder - typhoon missiles: done
Squad 1 - power fist, meltagun, lascannon: done
Squad 1 Rhino - storm bolter: doneSquad 2 - power fist, meltagun, plasma cannon: done
Squad 2 Rhino - storm bolter: done

125+160=285 points -> Land Raider Crusader (Partially done) + Heavy Bolter Servitor (primed)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

APoD! Week 1 Update

Well, week one of Apocalypse Paint or Die has passed me by, but not without progress. I spent most of this week working extra hours, so I was cut down on my painting time, but that can't be helped.

I got my Land Raider Crusader painted to just past base colours, not including the hull itself. That is completed. I use a simple scheme for my vehicles: Mordian Blue, drybrush of Shadow Grey, another drybrush of 50/50 shadow grey Space Wolves grey mix, and then straight Space Wolves Grey.

I also had to take the time to "re-blue" some of the other vehicles, and they are old models that were poorly painted by myself when I was first joining the hobby.

The amount of time it has taken for me to do these simple tasks can be attributed mostly to work and the fact that I like to load my miniatures with loads of extra details. In the pictures that follow, you'll see what I mean.

For this next week (though I start back at school soon, so that might slow things down further), I plan on focusing on the other vehicles in the force: the other Land Raider, the Rhino and the Dreadnought. I had planned on having them all done this week, but what can you do?

Paint Goal Reached: Negative.
Action Plan: Keep pounding ahead!