Thursday, July 12, 2012

Still Around

I'm aware that I have a habit of posting fairly sporadically, but since the last time I posted here, I've run two long Warmachine campaigns, attended weddings, suffered personal injuries and been drunk. Basically, life gets in the way of some the other things we enjoy doing.

But I digress.

At the local game store, we're in the final six days of round three of the War-Torn Alliance campaign season. That's kept me pretty busy, since there's a fair bit of paperwork involved in keeping scores. The fact that I can store the PDF files for the missions and point spreads on my phone does make it a bit easier, though. Thank god.  Competition has been pretty stiff this time around,  with everyone pushing to try and reach the five game limit for each week.  After this round wraps up, I'll have about six weeks of downtime until the final round starts. In that time, I've been requested by the guys to run a Steamroller tourney, and the Colossals book release event. So in reality, there's not going to be any downtime. It's a lot of working being the Press Ganger, but damn if it isn't fun and rewarding when everyone is getting along and competing.

These events aren't the only events I'll be hosting, either. Lucky for the guys, I've got stuff planned for the whole winter, leading through until next spring. Heap and Infernal Contraption v2 are both releasing soon, so there will be demos of those two games (I can't wait for Heap!), I've just discovered that there is an "XGL" league for Grind that I'd like to run, and of course, the release of the IKRPG book soon. I'm in the process of designing a test campaign that has the potential to evolve into something truly awesome, if I can keep up with being a GM on top of everything else. I'm also hoping to have a terrain building contest soon. Lastly, I'll be running Journeyman v2 for the guys, likely in September or so.

Damn. That's a lot of stuff. I wonder if I could list this as volunteer experience on a resume....

Speaking of volunteering and helping the community, that reminds me of another event I'll be running. Yeesh.
If you read Privateer's "No Quarter" magazine, you'll likely know about Foodmachine, organized by the NJ S.O.B.s . We ran a splinter event at Forbes' Hobbies last year, and were acknowledged as the only Canadian event. Granted, we had a despicably small turn out of 6 guys. Regardless, we still managed to gather over 100lbs of food for our local Food Bank. This year, we want to try and get all the stores in the area together, and raise 1000lbs of food. Yes, a lofty goal, indeed, but I'll make it work. That said, I should start making some calls....

More later. Maybe. You know, life.