We'll start with an update:
In the middle of December, I finally heard back from Privateer Press regarding my application for Press Ganger status that I had applied for last March. I spoke with Will Hungerford briefly on the phone, (a 3 hour difference between here and Seattle), and shortly thereafter was given my status as PG. I'm quite happy about this, as now our LGS will be able to host official events, and maybe even increase the player-base for Warmachine and Hordes in our area. Better yet, the store may finally be able to get in some product. (Forbes' has had an ongoing problem with trying to obtain stock from their distributor, but that's a story for another day.)
I plan on running the Journeyman League around the beginning of February, which will hopefully lead us into the campaign season for 2012. Of course, I'll be throwing in Steamroller tournaments at least once every other month, so that we can start stepping up the competition around the area.
On the painting side of things, not a whole lot has been done, again mostly due to Christmas. My buddies Magus and Damien, however, did get me the Trollbloods warpack and a unit of Scattergunners, and I bought myself Epic Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels. I now have about 30 point of trolls to paint. Actually, that's not true. I have painted Grissel and Madrak.
Madrak Ironhide
I think save the rest of the trolls for the Journeyman league in February though, so that I can gain some points and hopefully badges for painting.
Grissel Bloodsong
In other news, the other day, coming back from my LGS, I was carrying both mine and Magus' stuff back into my place. (Remember, I'm painting Magus' army for him, bit by bit.) Well, it seems that Magus failed to properly secure the latches on his army case, and as I neared my door, it fell open, spilling the entire contents onto the snowy walkway. Great. I had to spend 15 minutes digging about in the snow trying to find all the pieces.Luckily, most of the damage was superficial, with only a few models breaking, and even then only on joins where the glue was weaker. Morale of the story: carry cases flat.
Finally, before I head off to bed, Damien has recently convince me to think about the game Firestorm Armada.Its a cool deep space dog fight game by Spartan Games. As far as getting into games goes, it's fairly cheap, with a starter box running anywhere from $55-$60 that gives you enough to play right away. The rules, while a little contrived, aren't bad. Not sure if you want to buy into the game? That's ok! The rulebook has sheets to photocopy that are representative of three of the starter fleets. That's pretty cool in my books.
As usually happens when starting into a new game, we've been discussing the races/fleets we most like. Damien will be playing the Terran Alliance:
That's all for now.