This week, I worked on Marneus Calgar to the exclusion of all my other models. He's still not even half done
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This week, I worked on Marneus Calgar to the exclusion of all my other models. He's still not even half done
Thursday, May 20, 2010
APoD! May 20, 2010
So, I finally get around to making my update, not because I haven't had time, but because I'm a bum. Anyway, I managed to paint most of my assault squad, stopping only because I got sidetracked by Marneus Calgar. I'll be painting him to 'Eavy Metal standard (or the best I can) before moving onto the next unit. The Sternguard are finished. At this point, with six weeks left to go, I have thirty-five models to paint. A little daunting, but I know I'll get it done.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I love Monster Hunter
It's true. The title says it all. Capcom has made a game that gives me a unique sense of accomplishment like no other. I found an article on IGN today by Mike Thomsen that pretty much summed it up:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
I figured that I need to do more regular updates on ApoD here it is:
Its the beginning of May, meaning Just under 8 weeks remain in our challenge. At this point, I have 45 models left to paint. That's a little daunting, but given my extra free time now that school is finished, I'm confident I'll make the cut.
I'm pretty much finished the Sternguard unit, not counting the bases, so I thought I'd upload some pictures of them.
First, a picture of the force in its entirety. Then, a pic of the squad, and the front of each individual model, along with any interesting features.
...ok, well, blogger has decided that it doesn't feel like uploading my pictures right now. I'll try again later, likely tomorrow.
Special Characters
More on my painting methods, now for special characters.
For armour, I paint as recommended in "How to Paint Space Marines":
Basecoat with a mix of Chaos Black and Regal Blue (or straight Necron Abyss Foundation), then layer on a mix of Regal Blue and Ultramarine Blue, then highlight with Ultramarine Blue.
For red cloth, I follow a method that was shown in White Dwarf 361, Feb. 2010:
1. Basecoat the cloak with Scab Red. Shade the area first with a 1:1 mix of Chaos Black and Scab Red, followed by a 3:1 mix of the same colours
2. Begin highlighting the areas with pure Red Gore, before blending up to a 1:1 mix of Red Gore and Blazing Orange
3. Continue to bend the highlights to a 3:1 mix of Blazing Orange and Red Gore. Apply a final highlight of pure Blazing Orange
4. Create a wash using a 1:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Regal Blue; apply this directly into the recesses. Overlay with a wash of pure Regal Blue to finish
For Purity seals and parchment, as in White Dwarf 360, Jan. 2010
Wax part:
1. 1:1 mix of Scab Red and Chaos Black was applied to the purity seals
2. Layer on Scab Red
3. Highlight with Blood Red
4. 2nd highlight with Blazing Orange
5. 3rd highlight : A 1:1 mix of Bazing Orange and Skull White
6. Dot highlight of pure skull white
Scroll Part:
1. Basecoat with Dheneb Stone
2. Two watered down washes, Baal Red, then Devlan Mud
3. Layer on Dheneb Stone.
4. highlight with a 1:1 mix of Dheneb Stone and Skull White
5. final highlight of Skull White, then letter with watered-down Chaos Black
For pretty much everything else, its the same, except with a few extra intermediary colours on some things.
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