My friend has proposed that we start a painting competition to paint 3000 points of WH40k stuff in six months. This is my proposed list:
Marneus Calgar and Honour Guard
- Chapter Champion, 3 Honour Guard, 1 with Chapter Banner: 425
Chaplain Ortan Cassius: 125
Tactical Squad 1
10 Man, Missile Launcher, Flamer, Sgt with power weapon: 185
Tactical Squad 2
10 man, missile launcher, meltagun, sgt. with power fist, Rhino: 235
Venerable Dreadnought Chronos
Twin-linked lascannon, missile launcher, extra armour: 220
Dreadnought Magus
Extra Armour: 120
Sternguard Veterans
10 man, meltagun, 2 combi-meltas, sgt. with power fist: 290
Land Raider: 250
Land Raider Crusader
Multi-Melta: 260
Twin Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Storm Bolter, Extra Armour: 190
Terminator Squad
5 man, cyclone missile launcher, sgt, with power weapon: 230
Assault Squad
2 Flamers, Sgt. with Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs: 245
Devastator Squad
10 man, 4 missile launchers: 230
Total Points: 3005
I'm pretty much just going with what I have built, with minimal effort put into additions and fix ups. I have a force picture available on the other computer, so when I get around to that one, I'll put it up.