Monday, September 28, 2009

Fitness, September 28, 2009

Well, I somehow managed to significantly damage my leg on either Thursday or Friday. It got progressively worse through the weekend, to the point I could barely limp around, then mostly dissipated last night. Today in gym class, I was supposed to do four 1.5mi runs. I would have loved to, but that was a no. I did two laps around the upper part of the gym as a warmup, and my legsscreamed at me. So, I was sent upstairs to the weight room. I did the following:

Bicep Curls, 35lbs
6, 5, 4

Hammer Curls, 35lbs
12 12 12

Wrist Curls, 30lbs
12 12 12

12 12 12

BW Dips
12 12 12

Overhead Triceps Extension 40lbs
12 12 12

Tricep Pressdown 110lbs
12 12

The tricep presses at 110 were easy, but was running short on time. Did some quick ab stuff in there too. No cardio. I'm hoping I'm healed enough for cardio tomorrow. I also need to do my pushup stuff tonight, though I think i"ll push it to tomorrow, as I didn't read it yesterday, and should have. Its as follows:

Week Four
Monday: Start with one rep rest 5 seconds, than do three reps rest 10 seconds. Keep adding 5 second of rest and two repetitions. Stop at first failure to finish set.
Do this prior to breakfast and prior to dinner.

Didn't do before either meal, so I think I might just do it tomorrow, and have no rest day Sunday.

My suggestions to myself for my next bi/tri workout, is to up the tricep press weight, and the extension weight, maybe up the reps on dips and pullups. Oh, and up the weight on hammer curls, too. Continue work on bicep curls until can do three of 12 at 35lbs.


PB and Honey on Toast, (I can't eat much before fitness class)

Apple Juice Box
Two bagels with cream cheese

A roast I did in the slow cooker with a mix of potatoes and fresh veggies.

Creatine drink directly after workout
Protein Shake and hour later (roughly 1pm)
And just finished another.