Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fighting Daemons

I meant to write about this last week, but life has a tendency of gettingi n the way.
I played the 1850 point battle against Tim and his Daemons (which includes five monstorous creatures) with my Ultramarines. My list:

Codicier - 100 points
Codicer - 100 points


Tactical Squad 1
Melta, Flamer
Sgt.with powerfist - 195 points

Tactical Squad 2
melta, flamer
sgt with power fist - 195 points

Tactical Squad 3 with razorback
ml, flamer
sgt. with power weapon - 235 points


Sternguard with rhino
sgt. with power fist - 325 points


2 land speeders
2 heavy flamers
2 multi meltas - 140 points


Land Raider Crusader
with multi melta - 260 points

Land Raider - 250 points

Though I couldn't find a third speeder, and reworked some things to include a five-man scout squad with sniper rifles.

The mission was Secure and Control with the Spearhead deployment. I won first turn and used that to consolidate towards the objectives. On Tim's side of Turn One, he got the force he wanted, dropping four monstorous creatures very close to my perimeter, along with two units of plaguebearers, if memory serves. I started the shooting with gusto in turn two, the Null Zone powers of the twin Librarians wreaking havoc on the Daemons invulnerable saves, allowing me to fell one Daemon prince with relatively little shooting, along with some Plaguebearers.

In Turns 4-6, however, it went down-hill. In my zeal, I strayed from my battle plan, and neglected to use the librarians powers. I got penned in (only a 4'x4' table) and eventually lost. I did learn some valuable lessons, though.

1. Don't stray from your battle plan. This is difficult, particularly when there is an apparently soft target. Just go towards the goal.
2. If you're running a mechanized list, stay in your rides, unless completely necessary.
3. Don't forget to do stuff! using Librarians' powers for example.

I look forward to our designated rematch.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Thing

So, I guess I've finally given in to the urge to start my own blog. Nothing special, just a place to put my thoughts and other items that strike my interest. This comes mostly out of the fact that I despise Facebook, though I am aware of the hipocracy of that statement, since I have a Facebook account; but nevermind that.

I'll be using this to post my fitness records and goals, personal thoughts about whatever, and showcase my painting projects for Warhammer 40k, one of my many hobbies.
And with that, I hope whoever reads this enjoys my thoughts and leaves opinions. BLOG AWAY!